Course Name: B.Sc. Nursing
Programme out come:
- Apply knowledge from physical, biological, and behavioral sciences, medicine including alternative systems and nursing in providing nursing care to individuals, families and communities.
- . Demonstrate understanding of like style and other factors, which affect health of individuals and groups.
- 3. Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with the individuals and groups.
- 4. Demonstrate critical thinking skill in making decisions in all situations in order to provide quality care.
- 5. Utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
- 6. Provide promotive, preventive and restorative health services in line with the national health policies and programmes.
- 7. Practice within the framework of code of ethics and professional conduct, and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
- 8. Communicate effectively with individuals and groups, and members of the health team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationship and teamwork.
- 9. Demonstrate skills in teaching to individuals and groups in clinical/community health settings.
- 10. Participate effectively as members of the health team in health care delivery system.
- 11. Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in clinical/community health settings.
- 12. Conduct need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research findings to improve the quality of care.
- 13. Demonstrate awareness, interest, and contribute towards advancement of self and of the profession.
- 14. Provide qualified nurses to cope with advancement in medical science and technology.
- 15. Be efficient in teaching to nursing students as well as providing direct patient care.
- 16. Incorporate evidence based teaching learning activities in nursing curriculum to strengthen nursing practice for quality and cost effective nursing care.
- PSO 1: The course is designed to enable students to enhance ability to comprehend spoken and written English (and use English) required for effective communication in their in their professional work. Students will practice their skills in verbal and written English during clinical and classroom experiences
- PSO 1: This course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of the normal structure of various human body systems and understand the alterations in anatomical structure in disease and practice of nursing.
- PSO 1 : The course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge of the normal physiology of various human body systems and understand the alteration in Physiology in diseases and practice of nursing
- PSO 1 : The course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge of nutrition for maintenance of optimum health at different stages of life and its application for practice of nursing.
- PSO 1 : This course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of the normal biochemical composition and functioning of human body and understand the alterations in biochemistry in disease for practice of nursing
- PSO 1 : This course is designed to help the students to develop an understanding of the Physiology, Objective theories & Process of Nursing in various supervised clinical setting.
- PSO 1 : This course is designed to help the students to develop an understanding of the Physiology, Objective theories & Process of Nursing in various supervised clinical setting.
- PSO 1 : This course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge of fundaments of psychology and develop an insight into behaviour of self and others. Further it is aimed at helping them to practice the principles of mental hygiene for promoting mental health in nursing practice.
- PSO 1: This course is designed to enable students to acquire understanding of fundamentals of Microbiology and identification of various Microorganisms. It also provides opportunities for practicing infection control measures in hospital and community settings
- PSO 1: This course is designed for students to develop basic understanding of uses of computer and its applications in nursing
Course out come 1:
CO 1: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the anatomical terms, organization of human body and structure of cell, tissues, membranes and glands.
- Describe the structure and function of bones and joints.
- Describes the structure and function of muscles.
- Describes the structure and function of nervous system.
- Explain the structure and functions of sensory organs.
- Describes the structure and function of circulatory and lymphatic system.
- Describes the structure and functions of respiratory system.
- Describes the structure and functions of digestive system.
- Describes the structure and functions excretory system.
- Describes the structure and functions of endocrine system
- Describes the structure and functions of reproductive system
- Search evidence based education of alterations in disease
CO 1 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Speak and write grammatically correct English.
- Develop ability to read, understand and express meaningfully, the prescribed text.
- Develop skill in spoken English.
- Develop skill in listening comprehension
CO 1: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the physiology of cell, tissues, membranes and glands
- Describe the bone formation and growth and movements of skeletal system
- Describe the muscle movements and tone and demonstrate muscle contraction and tone
- Describe the physiology of nerve stimulus, reflexes, brain, cranial and spinal nerves
- Demonstrate reflex action and stimulus
CO 1 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the relationship between nutrition & health
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Carbohydrates
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Fats
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Proteins.
- Describe the daily calorie requirement for different categories of people
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Vitamins.
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Minerals
- Describe the sources, functions and requirements of water & electrolytes
- Describe the cookery rules and preservation of nutrients and prepare serve simple beverages and different types of food.
CO1: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the structure composition and functions of cell
- Differentiate between Prokaryote and eukaryote cell
- Identify techniques of Microscopy
- Describe the structure and functions of cell membrane
- Explain the metabolism of carbohydrate
- Explain the metabolism of Lipids
- Explain the metabolism of amino acid and proteins
- Describe the composition and utilization of vitamins & minerals
- Describe Immunochemistry
CO 1:
- Describe the concept of health, illness and health care agencies
- Explain concept and scope of nursing
- Describe values, code of ethics and professional conduct for nurses in India
- Explain the admission and discharge procedure
- Perform admission and discharge procedure
- Communicate effectively with patient, families and team members and maintain effective human relations (projecting professional image)
- Appreciate the importance of patient teaching in nursing
- Explain the concept, uses, format and steps of nursing process
- Documents nursing process as per the format
- Describe the purposes, types and techniques of recording and reporting
- Describe principles and techniques of monitoring and maintaining vital signs
- Monitor and maintain vital signs
- Describe purpose and process of health assessment
- Describe the health assessment of each body system
- Perform health assessment of each body system
CO 1 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Ø Describe the history, scope and methods of psychology.
Ø Explain the biology of human behavior.
Ø Describe various cognitive processes and their applications
Ø Describe the motivation, emotions, stress, attitudes and their influence on behavior.
Ø Explain the concepts of personality and its influence on behavior.
Ø Describe psychology of people during the life cycle.
Ø Describe the characteristics of mentally healthy person, explain ego defense mechanisms.
Ø Explain the psychological assessments and role of nurse
Ø Incorporate evidence based education in studying the psychology of an individual
CO 1 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Ø Explain concepts and principles of microbiology and their importance in nursing.
Ø Describe structure, classification morphology and growth of bacteria, identify microorganisms.
Ø Describe the methods of infection control, identify the role of nurse in hospital infection control programme
Ø Describe the different disease producing organisms.
Ø Explain the concept of immunity, hypersensitivity and immunization
- PSO 2: This course is designed to introduce the concept of sociology related to community & Society of India and Foreign
- PSO 2: This course is designed to enables students to acquire knowledge of Pharmacology.
- PSO 2: This course is designed to enables students to acquire knowledge of Pathology.
- PSO 2 : This course is designed to enables students to acquire knowledge of Genetics.
- PSO 2: The purpose of this course is to acquire and develop proficiency in caring for patient with Medical and Surgical disorders in varieties of health care settings and at home.
- PSO 2: The purpose of this course is to acquire, develop attitude and proficiency in caring for patient with Medical and Surgical disorders in varieties of health care settings and at home
- PSO 2: This course is designed for students to appreciate the principals of promotion and maintenance of Health.
- PSO 2: This course is designed for students to appreciate the principals of promotion and maintenance of Health
- PSO 2: This course is designed to help the students acquire and understanding of the principles and methods of communication and teaching. It helps to develop skill in communicating effectively, maintaining effective interpersonal relations, teaching Individuals and Group in Clinical, community health and Educational setting
CO 2: At the end of course, the student will be able to,
- State the importance of sociology Nursing
- Describe the inter relationship of individual in society and community
- Describe the influence of culture and on health and disease
- Identify various social group and their interaction
- Explain the growth of population in India and its impact on health.
- Describe the institutions of family and marriage in India.
- Describe the class and caste system and their influence on health and health practice.
- Describe the types of communities in India, their practices and impact on health.
- Explain the process of social change
- Describe the social system and inter-relationship of social organization.
- Explain the nature and process of social control
- Describe the role of the nurse in dealing with social problems in India.
- Incorporate evidence based teaching learning activities in Sociology to strengthen nursing practice of students for quality and cost effectiveness of nursing care.
CO 2: At the end of course, the student will be able to,
- Describe pharmacodynamics, pharmaco kinetics, classification and the principles of drug administration.
- Explain chemotherapy of specific infections and infestations and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe antiseptics, disinfectants, insecticides and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe drugs acting on gastrointestinal system and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe drugs on respiratory system and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe drugs used on urinary system and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe drugs used in dead diction, emergency, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, positioning for immunization and immunosuppression and nurses responsibilities
CO 2: At the end of course, the student will be able to,
- Define the common terms used in pathology.
- Appreciate the deviations from normal to abnormal structure and functions of the body system.
- Explain pathological changes in disease condition of various system.
- Describe various laboratory tests in assessment and monitoring of disease condition.
- Describe the laboratory tests for examination of body cavity fluids, transudates and exudates.
- Describe the laboratory test for the examination of urine and faeces.
- Incorporate evidence based teaching learning activities in pathology to strengthen nursing practice of students for quality and cost effectiveness of nursing care.
CO 2: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Appreciate the trends in medical surgical nursing
- Describe the role of nurse in caring for adult patient in hospital
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of respiratory systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of digestive systems
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of cardio-vascular systems. Describe the vascular conditions and its nursing management.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of genitor-urinary systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of reproductive systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of endocrine systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of skin.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of musculo-skeletal systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of immunological system.
CO 2: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe concept and dimensions of health.
- Describe determinants of health.
- Describe concepts, scope, uses, methods and approaches of epidemiology.
- Describe Epidemiology and nursing management of common Communicable diseases.
- Describe Epidemiology and nursing management of common non- communicable diseases.
- Describe the concepts and scope of demography; describe methods of data collection, analysis and interpretation of demographic data.
- Identify the impact of population explosion in India; describe methods of population
CO 2: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
1. Describe the communication process, identify techniques of effective communication.
2. Establish effective inter- personal relations with patients, families and co- workers.
3. Develop effective human relations in context of nursing.
4. Develop basic skill of counseling and guidance.
5. Describe the philosophy and principles of education, explain the teaching learning process.
6. Demonstrate teaching skill using various teaching methods in clinical, classroom and community settings.
7. Prepare and use different types of educational media effectively.
8. Prepare different types of questions for assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
9. Teach individuals, groups and communities about health with their active participation.
10. Incorporate evidence based nursing education in communication and education technology
- PSO 3 – The purpose of this course is to acquire, develop attitude and proficiency in caring for patient with Medical and Surgical disorders in varieties of health care settings and at home
- PSO 3 :. The purpose of this course is to acquire, develop attitude and proficiency in caring for patient with Medical and Surgical disorders in varieties of health care settings and at home Areas
- PSO 3 The purpose of this course is to acquire and develop an understanding of the modern approach to child care, identification, prevention and nursing management of common health Problems of neonates and children.
- PSO 3 The purpose of this course is to acquire and develop an understanding of the modern approach to mental health, Identification, prevention and nursing, management of common mental health problems with special emphasis on therapeutic interventions for individuals, family and community.
- PSO 3 : The purpose of this course is to appreciate the concepts and principles of midwifery and obstetrical nursing, acquire knowledge and skills in rendering nursing care to normal and high risk pregnant women during antenatal, natal and post natal periods in hospitals and community settings, develop attitude and proficiency in managing normal and high risk neonates in family welfare Programme
CO 3 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of ear, nose and throat.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of eye.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of neurological systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of female reproductive system.
- Describe the concepts of reproductive health and family welfare programme.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of oncological disorders.
- Describe organization of emergency and disaster services
CO 3 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Explain the modern concept of child care and the principles of child health nursing. Describe national policy, programs and legislation in relation to child health and welfare. List major causes of death during infancy, early and late childhood. Describe the major functions and role of the pediatric nurse in caring for hospitalized child. Describe the principles of child health nursing.
- Describe the normal growth and development of children in various age groups. Identify the needs of children at different age; identify the nutritional needs of children at different ages; appreciate the role of play for normal and sick children; appreciate the preventive measures and strategies for children.
- Provide care to normal and high risk neonates; perform neonatal resuscitation; recognize and manage common neonatal problems.
- Understand the concept and application of IMNCI programme.
- Provide nursing care in common childhood diseases; identify measures to prevent common childhood diseases including immunization
- Manage the child with behavioral and social problems; identify the social and welfare services for challenged children.
- Incorporate evidence based nursing education in pediatric nursing care.
- Apply evidence based nursing education in pediatric nursing care.
CO 3 : At the end of course, the student will be able to,
- Describe the historical development and current trends in mental health nursing
- Describe the epidemiology of mental health problems
- Describe the National Mental Health Act, programmes and mental health policy
- Discuss the scope of mental health nursing
- Describe the concept of normal and abnormal behavior
- Defines the various terms used in mental health nursing
- Explain the classification of mental disorders
- Explain psychodynamics of maladaptive behavior
- Discuss the etiological factors, psychopathology of mental disorders
- Explain the principles and standards of mental health nursing
- Describe the conceptual models of mental health nursing
- Describe nature, purpose and process of assessment of mental health status
- Identify therapeutic communication techniques
- Describe therapeutic relationship
- Describe therapeutic impasse and its intervention
- Explain treatment modalities and therapies used in mental disorders and role of nurse
- Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria and management of patients with schizophrenia, and other psychotic disorders
- Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria and management of patients with mood disorders
- Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria and management of patients with neurotic, stress related and somatization disorders
- Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria and management of patients with substance use disorders
CO 3– At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Recognize the trends and issues in midwifery and obstetrical nursing
- Describe the anatomy and physiology of female reproductive system
- Describe the diagnosis and management of women during antenatal period
- Demonstrate competence in caring for women with obstetrical and gynecological conditions
- Describe the physiology and stages of labour
- Describe the management of women during intra-natal period
- Describe the physiology of Puerperium and management of women during postnatal period.
- Describe the assessment and management of normal neonate
- Describe the identification and management of women with high risk pregnancy
- Describe management of abnormal labour and obstetrical emergencies
- Describe management of postnatal complications
- Identify the high risk neonates and their nursing management
- Describe indication, dosage, action, side effects and nurses‟ responsibilities in the administration of drugs used for mothers.
- Appreciate the importance of family welfare Programme and describe the methods of contraception and role of nurse in family welfare program
- Incorporate evidence based nursing practice in giving Quality nursing care in the field of obstetrics and gynecological Nursing.
- Apply evidence based nursing practice in giving Quality nursing care in the field of obstetrics and gynecological Nursing.
- PSO 4 : This course is designed for student to practice Community Health Nursing for the individual family and groups at both urban & rural area
- PSO 4: The course is designed to enable to student to acquire the understanding of basic concept Research & Research Process and Statistics. The hours for practical will be utilized for conducting individual or group research project
CO 4: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Define concepts, scope, principles and historical development of Community health and community health nursing.
- Describe health plans, policies, various health committees and health problems in India.
- Describe the system of delivery of community health services in rural and urban areas, list the functions of various levels and their staffing pattern, explain the components of health services, describe alternative systems of health promotion and health maintenance, and describe the chain of referral system.
- Describe Community Health Nursing approaches and concepts, describe the roles and responsibilities of community health nursing personnel.
- Describe and appreciate the activities of community health nurse in assisting individuals and groups to promote and maintain their health.
- Describe National Heath and family welfare programmes and role of a nurse; describe the various health schemes in India.
- Explain the roles and functions of various National and International health agencies.
CO 4 : . at the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the concept research, terms, need and areas of research in nursing; explain the steps of research process.
- Identify and state the research problem and objectives.
- Review the related literature.
- Describe the research approaches and designs.
- Explain the sampling process; describe the methods of data collection.
- Analyze, interpret and summarize the research data.
- Explain the use of statistics, scales of measurement and graphical presentation of data; describes the measures of central tendency and variability and methods of correlation
Assessment Tools to Po/Pso
Mode of Assessment | Assessment Tool | Description | Evaluation of Course Outcomes | Related POs/PSOs | Frequency of assessment | |
Direct | Theory Internal Examinations | Two written examinations are conducted and its average marks are considered | The questions in the internal examinations and assignment sheets are mapped against COs of respective course. The questions for two internal examinations and Assignments are framed in such a way to cover all course outcomes. | PO a to Pso | Two per Semester | |
Direct | Assignments | Two assignments are given for each course for continuous assessment. Average marks are considered. | The final attainment for each CO under direct assessment is calculated by taking average of the CO attainments from Internal Examinations and Assignments. | PO a to Pso | Continuous | |
Direct | Day to day evaluation | The day to day evaluation is considered | The final attainment for each CO is calculated by taking average of the % attainment from day to day evaluation and Internal Lab Examination. | PO a to Pso | Continuous | |
PO a to Pso | One per Semester | |||||
Direct | Internal Practical Examination | Internal examination is conducted in lab course | ||||
Indirect | Course End Survey | This survey gives the opinion of the student on the attainment of course outcomes. | Here, the CO attainment is calculated under indirect assessment. The indicators in the survey form are framed in line with the respective Course outcomes. | PO a to Pso | At the end of each course | |
Indirect | Graduate Exit Survey | This survey gives the opinion of the graduate on the attainment of Programme outcomes. | At the end of the programme, the graduate exit survey is collected from the graduates and considered for the PO attainment under indirect PO assessment. PO a to Pso | At the end of the program |