CO 2: At the end of course, the student will be able to,
- State the importance of sociology Nursing
- Describe the inter relationship of individual in society and community
- Describe the influence of culture and on health and disease
- Identify various social group and their interaction
- Explain the growth of population in India and its impact on health.
- Describe the institutions of family and marriage in India.
- Describe the class and caste system and their influence on health and health practice.
- Describe the types of communities in India, their practices and impact on health.
- Explain the process of social change
- Describe the social system and inter-relationship of social organization.
- Explain the nature and process of social control
- Describe the role of the nurse in dealing with social problems in India.
- Incorporate evidence based teaching learning activities in Sociology to strengthen nursing practice of students for quality and cost effectiveness of nursing care.
CO 2: At the end of course, the student will be able to,
- Describe pharmacodynamics, pharmaco kinetics, classification and the principles of drug administration.
- Explain chemotherapy of specific infections and infestations and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe antiseptics, disinfectants, insecticides and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe drugs acting on gastrointestinal system and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe drugs on respiratory system and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe drugs used on urinary system and nurses responsibilities.
- Describe drugs used in dead diction, emergency, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, positioning for immunization and immunosuppression and nurses responsibilities
CO 2: At the end of course, the student will be able to,
- Define the common terms used in pathology.
- Appreciate the deviations from normal to abnormal structure and functions of the body system.
- Explain pathological changes in disease condition of various system.
- Describe various laboratory tests in assessment and monitoring of disease condition.
- Describe the laboratory tests for examination of body cavity fluids, transudates and exudates.
- Describe the laboratory test for the examination of urine and faeces.
- Incorporate evidence based teaching learning activities in pathology to strengthen nursing practice of students for quality and cost effectiveness of nursing care.
CO 2: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Appreciate the trends in medical surgical nursing
- Describe the role of nurse in caring for adult patient in hospital
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of respiratory systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of digestive systems
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of cardio-vascular systems. Describe the vascular conditions and its nursing management.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of genitor-urinary systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of reproductive systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of endocrine systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of skin.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of musculo-skeletal systems.
- Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions with disorders of immunological system.
CO 2: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe concept and dimensions of health.
- Describe determinants of health.
- Describe concepts, scope, uses, methods and approaches of epidemiology.
- Describe Epidemiology and nursing management of common Communicable diseases.
- Describe Epidemiology and nursing management of common non- communicable diseases.
- Describe the concepts and scope of demography; describe methods of data collection, analysis and interpretation of demographic data.
- Identify the impact of population explosion in India; describe methods of population
CO 2: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
1. Describe the communication process, identify techniques of effective communication.
2. Establish effective inter- personal relations with patients, families and co- workers.
3. Develop effective human relations in context of nursing.
4. Develop basic skill of counseling and guidance.
5. Describe the philosophy and principles of education, explain the teaching learning process.
6. Demonstrate teaching skill using various teaching methods in clinical, classroom and community settings.
7. Prepare and use different types of educational media effectively.
8. Prepare different types of questions for assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
9. Teach individuals, groups and communities about health with their active participation.
10. Incorporate evidence based nursing education in communication and education technology