CO 1: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the anatomical terms, organization of human body and structure of cell, tissues, membranes and glands.
- Describe the structure and function of bones and joints.
- Describes the structure and function of muscles.
- Describes the structure and function of nervous system.
- Explain the structure and functions of sensory organs.
- Describes the structure and function of circulatory and lymphatic system.
- Describes the structure and functions of respiratory system.
- Describes the structure and functions of digestive system.
- Describes the structure and functions excretory system.
- Describes the structure and functions of endocrine system
- Describes the structure and functions of reproductive system
- Search evidence based education of alterations in disease
CO 1 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Speak and write grammatically correct English.
- Develop ability to read, understand and express meaningfully, the prescribed text.
- Develop skill in spoken English.
- Develop skill in listening comprehension
CO 1: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the physiology of cell, tissues, membranes and glands
- Describe the bone formation and growth and movements of skeletal system
- Describe the muscle movements and tone and demonstrate muscle contraction and tone
- Describe the physiology of nerve stimulus, reflexes, brain, cranial and spinal nerves
- Demonstrate reflex action and stimulus
CO 1 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the relationship between nutrition & health
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Carbohydrates
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Fats
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Proteins.
- Describe the daily calorie requirement for different categories of people
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Vitamins.
- Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances (RDA) of Minerals
- Describe the sources, functions and requirements of water & electrolytes
- Describe the cookery rules and preservation of nutrients and prepare serve simple beverages and different types of food.
CO1: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the structure composition and functions of cell
- Differentiate between Prokaryote and eukaryote cell
- Identify techniques of Microscopy
- Describe the structure and functions of cell membrane
- Explain the metabolism of carbohydrate
- Explain the metabolism of Lipids
- Explain the metabolism of amino acid and proteins
- Describe the composition and utilization of vitamins & minerals
- Describe Immunochemistry
CO 1:
- Describe the concept of health, illness and health care agencies
- Explain concept and scope of nursing
- Describe values, code of ethics and professional conduct for nurses in India
- Explain the admission and discharge procedure
- Perform admission and discharge procedure
- Communicate effectively with patient, families and team members and maintain effective human relations (projecting professional image)
- Appreciate the importance of patient teaching in nursing
- Explain the concept, uses, format and steps of nursing process
- Documents nursing process as per the format
- Describe the purposes, types and techniques of recording and reporting
- Describe principles and techniques of monitoring and maintaining vital signs
- Monitor and maintain vital signs
- Describe purpose and process of health assessment
- Describe the health assessment of each body system
- Perform health assessment of each body system
CO 1 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Describe the history, scope and methods of psychology.
- Explain the biology of human behavior.
- Describe various cognitive processes and their applications
- Describe the motivation, emotions, stress, attitudes and their influence on behavior.
- Explain the concepts of personality and its influence on behavior.
- Describe psychology of people during the life cycle.
- Describe the characteristics of mentally healthy person, explain ego defense mechanisms.
- Explain the psychological assessments and role of nurse
- Incorporate evidence based education in studying the psychology of an individual
CO 1 : At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
- Explain concepts and principles of microbiology and their importance in nursing.
- Describe structure, classification morphology and growth of bacteria, identify microorganisms.
- Describe the methods of infection control, identify the role of nurse in hospital infection control programme
- Describe the different disease producing organisms.
- Explain the concept of immunity, hypersensitivity and immunization