• Our Inspiration
  • Vasantrao Naik College of Nursing

The Institute of Nursing is a peak professional body representing the nurses. It is indeed the largest established and innovative provider of quality clinical education to the future nurses according to their clinical specialization. Institute of Nursing was started in the year 2006 with an intake of 20 A.N.M students and in 2022 it has been upgraded to 150 students/year respectively A.N.M (20 Intake 2 Years Course), G.N.M (40 Intake 3 Years Course), B.Sc., Nursing (40 Intake 4 Years) and Post Basic BSc., Nursing (50 Intake 2 Years Course) etc.,


                 To promote quality education, to convert a novice into a competent expert in the relevant field at part of global standards by meeting the far reacting expectations and requirements of the students through dedicated and devoted staffs with updated systems and continual improvement.


       To promote academic excellence, widen intellectual horizons, inculcate self discipline and high ideals for the total personality development of individual.

       To convert a novice into a competent professional with excellent theoretical knowledge, unsurpassed clinical skills and to motivate the   interest in the research activities, further education and social services.


      To be, and to be recognized for setting the standards of excellence in professional education and high   quality scientific research.


A.N.M Nursing

       We the Faculty members of Institute of Nursing

  • Believe that students during A.N.M Nursing course will maintain optimum level of health entails individuals as well as social responsibility.
  • Realize that student preparing for the A.N.M Nursing course becomes intends to achieve the goals of National Rural Health Mission which aims at bringing about dramatic improvement in that health system and health status of the country.
  • Accept that A.N.M Nursing students excel in community health skills to practice basic health care at a defined level of proficiency in accordance with local conditions and to meet local needs.

G.N.M Nursing

       We the Faculty  members of Institute of Nursing

  • Believe that students during G.N.M Nursing course will function efficiently as skilful nurses in various health settings catering to the needs of the individuals and families caring at the various levels of prevention.
  • Realize that student preparing for the G.N.M Nursing course become competent nurses in various clinical settings and function effectively as novice nurse  clinician, administrator and educator with a long-term goal of becoming experts in all fields of nursing.
  • Accept that G.N.M Nursing students excel in nursing care both at the bedside and in the community that illuminates professionalism   to uphold the image of nursing profession.

B.Sc. Nursing

       We the Faculty  members of Institute of Nursing

  • Believe that student prepared for B.Sc., (Nursing) will provide competent comprehensive nursing care in both hospital and community and illustrate extraordinary, skill and attitude in caring for individuals at all levels of prevention and continuum of health in the individual.
  • Realize that student prepared for B.Sc., (Nursing) Program would illustrate extraordinary knowledge, attitude and expertise skill with professionalism and further climb the career ladder to enhance the professional and personal image.
  • Accept that an undergraduate programme will develop competent nurses to the needs of the individuals in various settings and care given, there by improve individuals and families health.

P.B.B.Sc., Nursing

       We the Faculty members of the Institute of Nursing

  • We believe that the world is one family and education is the right of every child of this country and any level of education should equip the student to be able to gain fruitful employment and also provide an opportunity to continue education whenever possible.
  • We believe that nursing education must occur in a natural setting that is the clinical and the community setup.
  • We also believe that education should be flexible enough to promote vertical and horizontal growth and mobility.
  • We believe that the nurse educator’s responsibility lies in providing the right experiences to the student and allowing the student to explore and learn while enjoying her learning experience.